Friday 28 December 2018

Lost In Lust - Episode Eight

The next four days, we were calling each other every day. By Tuesday, she resumed her work and said she felt much better. By Wednesday evening, she asked if indeed I would be visiting her on Saturday.

„Sure,‟ I replied. „I‟ll be off duty that day.‟
On Saturday morning, I left home about nine a.m. I had selected a new jeans trousers and a well-suited, sky blue, Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt. I completed the dressing with a white Reebok canvas shoes. I was certain I looked good. I was at the door post of Naomi‟s apartment few minutes to eleven. Ella opened the door for me.

„Hello, Uncle Ola. You‟re welcome,‟ she greeted.
„Hello, Ella. How do you do?‟
I sat myself comfortably on the sofa I had sat on the first time I came. Naomi soon emerged from the bedroom.
„Hello, there,‟ she greeted.
„Hello, Lady Naomi.‟

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She smiled. I could see that she had done her hair. She was in casuals, but was as pretty as ever. She sat down opposite me.
„So, how‟s the weekend going?‟
„So, so. But I‟m glad I‟m here,‟ I replied.
„I‟m glad to see you too,‟ she replied.

The television was on and it was on a fashion station. I guessed Naomi was a fashion freak.
„What can I offer you?‟ she asked.
„Oh, but I just came. No problem, I‟ll ask later.‟
I sat back relaxingly on the chair. „There‟s something I don‟t understand,‟ I said.
She raised her brow. „What‟s that?‟

„Look at you,‟ I said. „You‟re so pretty. How come you‟ve not got yourself another man since Ella‟s father left you?‟
She smiled. „You really don‟t understand, do you?‟
I shook my head. „No, I don‟t understand.‟
„Men have been pestering me,‟ she said. „But I wasn‟t interested.‟
I still shook my head. „So, how come a young man that is just starting off is the one you‟re interested in? Among all men!‟

„Do you want me to tell you the truth?‟
„Yes, please.‟
She took her time. „It‟s because I saw in you what I did not see in other men.‟
I was pleasantly pleased by that. „What could that be?‟
„That evening I first saw you, you were completely different from others. There‟s something about you.‟


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„Can you honestly tell me what that thing is?‟
„Sure, I‟ll tell you, but not now.‟
I looked at her curiously. „Naomi?‟
She made a slight face. „What?
„So you won‟t tell me right away?‟
„No, I won't.‟
„Perhaps I used charm on you,‟ I suggested.

She wrinkled her nose. „Perhaps.‟
„Perhaps, I‟m a bad boy who only needs your money and will play games with your heart.‟
Again, she wrinkled her nose. „Perhaps.‟
„You won‟t tell me?‟
„Not right now.‟
„Alright, I give up.‟

She smiled. „Don‟t worry, you‟ll get to know everything at the right time.‟
„How‟s your ankle now?‟
„It‟s better. I‟m okay now.‟
„We thank God.‟
I moved over to sit next to her, smiling. I touched the ankle and rubbed it gently. She seemed to like it.
„Maybe I should have got permission before I touched your leg,‟ I said.
„Oh, come on, Ola.‟
I sat upright and held her hand.
„We‟re going very fast, Ola,‟ she said.
„It‟s good to move forward, not backward,‟ I replied.

She smiled. „There‟re certain things I should let you know.‟
I rubbed the back of her right palm. „Such as what?‟
„I‟m not after any fling,‟ she said. „What I desire is a lasting relationship.‟
I appeared to muse over it briefly. „It is very good that one should desire a lasting relationship,‟ I said. „I desire a lasting relationship too. The one that will last till death does apart.‟
She nodded. „And you think Naomi is the one to fulfill that role?‟


I smiled again. „Yes, I believe so. Seriously.‟
„Our society seriously frowns at an older lady marrying a younger man.‟
„Our society is not the one to decide who I fall in love with or who I choose to live the rest of my life with,‟ I answered.

She was silent for a while. I kissed her briefly.
„There‟s another thing,‟ she said.
I sighed. „What‟s that?‟
She looked at me straight in the eyes. „There must be no other woman. There must never be any other lover.‟

READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 1 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 2 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 3 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 4 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 5 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 6 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 7 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 8 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 9 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 10 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 11 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 12 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 13 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 14 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 15 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 16 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 17 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 18 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 19 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 20 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 21 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 22 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 23 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 24 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 25 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 26 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 27 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 28 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 29 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 30 (CLICK HERE TO READ)

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