Friday 28 December 2018

Lost In Lust - Episode Nine

I laughed shortly. „But that‟s expected, isn't it? In relationship, partners are expected to be faithful to each other. That shouldn't be a problem.‟
„I‟m very serious on this, Ola,‟ she said, looking stern. „There must never be any other lover. Never!‟
I nodded. „Of course, I understand. That is in order.‟

She relaxed and smiled. I kissed her again, long and deep. My hands went to her boobs and she stiffened and stopped my act.
„We can‟t go to that extent for now.‟
„Why? Any good reasons?‟

She didn't say anything for some moments. My eyes went to the boobs. They looked moderate, but my imagination ran a-muck on how exactly their shape would be.
„We just can‟t go to that extent for now,‟ she repeated. „Don‟t tell me you‟re here for that purpose,‟
„Oh, no,‟ I quickly said. „I only felt it is part of showing love.‟

She smiled and squeezed my hand. „Don‟t worry. When we get to that stage, you‟ll have everything to yourself for as long as you desire.‟
„Okay.‟ I smiled it off.

Later, she brought fried rice and chicken and the three of us ate together. Thereafter, we chatted excitedly and played ludo. I noted how Naomi related with her daughter and concluded that indeed they were the best of friends. I was in the house till early evening before I returned to Ibeshe.

Joyce was back at home for the weekend but she sulked me. I let her be. Naomi and I continued our exchange of calls, chats and messages. I had now convinced myself that I was crazily in love with her. I earnestly looked forward to another Saturday when I would visit her place again.

I was there as early as nine in the morning. Ella came to give me a hug. I was happy to be warmly received by mother and daughter. A couple of minutes after I arrived, Naomi told Ella she could change the channel to cartoon station.

„Mummy and Ola want to have a little chat.‟ She stood up.
„Okay, mummy,‟ Ella replied.
She led me to her bedroom. The room was cozy too. The smell of exotic perfume filled the place.

The wardrobes were opened and I could see that the place was fully stocked with clothes. Different clothes of different colors and makes adorned the spaces. Indeed, Naomi was a fashion freak. It was obvious she had more clothes than she needed.
„Sorry, I didn‟t tidy up the place,‟ she offered.

I smiled warmly. ‟It‟s okay.‟
She pointed at the bed. „Let‟s sit down. We need to talk.‟
I nodded and sat beside her.
„Sorry, if I‟m sounding like a broken record, but do you really want to go ahead with this relationship?‟

I laughed shortly. „Oh, come on, Naomi. Is that what we want to talk about? If I don‟t want to go ahead with the relationship, I will not be here.‟
She sighed and closed her eyes. She even looked prettier doing that. I wrapped my hands on her shoulders and drew her closer. The flowers I had brought for her were still in the hunchback bag I had brought. The flowers could wait.

I kissed her long and hard. I gauged her response and noted the high responsiveness. Tentatively, my hands moved across her boobs. This time around, she did not stiffen or try to stop me.
That was very encouraging. I moved my hand over it more. It was an alluring caress and she moaned softly.


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My right hand slipped under her top and worked its way to her chest. The feel of her boobs hinted that they were small. I felt them for several seconds and stopped.
„Maybe I should remove this,‟ I said, touching her top. She didn't say anything. I removed my shirt and her top. The black, lacy and sexy bra she wore looked like one of those I had seen in an advert in a women magazine. I was sure it was a designer‟s wear.

I unhooked the bra and removed it. I could not but stare at her breasts. They were indeed small, although the nipples were large. But the most remarkable thing about them was how erect they were. They looked like they were just budding.
„You‟ve got remarkable tits,‟ I commented.

She smiled and clung on to me. My mouth and hands played with the boobs and other parts. By the time the systemic play was over, we lay in bed, satisfied with each other.
She placed her head close to my chest while her hand moved over the chest.

„Naomi, my baby,‟ I said.
„Did you enjoy that?‟
She smiled. „I think so.‟
„You think?‟ I tickled her side and she giggled.
„Do you still love me?‟ she asked.

„Love? That‟s an understatement. I‟m crazy about you!‟
She laughed. She was very pleased to hear that. I played with her hair.
„I‟ve never felt so satisfied like this before,‟ she said. „Ola, don‟t you ever disappoint me.‟
„I won‟t,‟ I said.

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She climbed on me, her tits kissing my chest. I kissed her lips again. And so, we began another journey to the land of eros. Thereafter, I lay on my back, quite exhausted. She rested by my side and we had a nap. I was still napping when she rose from the bed, wore her clothes and moved out of the bedroom. Many minutes later, she came to tap me on the shoulder.
„Darling, breakfast is ready.‟

I opened my eyes and smiled. The funny thing was I was dreaming about her. I wore my clothes and moved out of the bedroom. At the small dining table, the plates of fried eggs and slices of bread were already set. The three of us ate together. Once again, I was in that house till evening. Later, when I was about to leave, she offered to drive me to my house.

„Oh, no, no, no,‟ I said. „I would never give you that trouble.‟
„But, it‟s no trouble and …‟
I hushed her with a short kiss. „Don‟t you worry, my darling.‟
I felt I was one of the happiest men on earth that day as I returned home. My mood must have been noticeable, for as soon as I entered the house, Joyce came to my room.
„And where were you coming from?‟ she asked.

„I visited a friend,‟ I replied.
„It‟s that lady, right? That lady you were talking to the other day?‟
„What if she‟s the one?‟ I parried.
„So, that‟s how you‟re going to use and dump me, right?

I was irritated. „No one is using and dumping anyone,‟ I said.
„You can‟t treat me so selfishly,‟ she said in emotion-laden tone. To my surprise, she came to hold my shirt in that I-will-not-agree manner.
„Joyce, for God‟s sake, what's the meaning of this?‟

She pulled the cloth more.
„Oh, please, for God‟s sake, let‟s be reasonable.‟
She put her head on my chest and started crying. I was scared. If anybody should see us like that, what would I say?

„Alright, Joyce, please, stop crying,‟ I pleaded. I had to use my most mollifying tone. „Please, I‟m sorry, calm down.‟ I wrapped my hands around her and petted her like a baby. I then led her to sit on one of the two plastic chairs in the room.
„I said I‟m sorry,‟ I repeated.

She used the back of her hand to dab her face. I offered her my handkerchief.
„I‟m sorry,‟ I said again. „But you‟re taking this thing too far. Ehn, you‟re taking it too far.‟
She kept mute, gazing soberly at the floor.
„Joyce, listen. Please, listen. We cannot go on having an affair. It is very wrong. We have to put a stop to that.‟

„Is that why you completely ignored me?‟
„I‟m sorry about that. How could I ignore you? How could I ignore a wonderful friend like you?‟ her countenance relaxed a bit.
„Listen, Joyce, you remain my friend and confidant. Stop having that kind of feeling. Let‟s be good friends. Good platonic friends. Come on, smile.‟
She smiled briefly.

„That‟s my girl. Now, let me give you a hug.‟
We hugged for few seconds. She relaxed.
Later in the night, Naomi sent me a WhatsApp message.
„Hello, Ola darling. I hope you know the implication of what we did the other time.‟
I was a bit curious. What did she mean by implication? „Sorry, what exactly do you mean by implication?‟ I wrote back.

„The implication of the sexual intercourse we had is that you‟re mine, and I‟m yours. You must never sleep with any other lady.‟
„I thought we‟ve already agreed on mutual faithfulness,‟ I replied. „On my part, I‟ll be faithful to you, I promise.‟


„It‟s more than a promise, Ola. If you dare sleep with any other lady, there will be dire consequence.‟
She used red prints for the word, „dire.‟ I chuckled to myself. Why was she stating all these?
„There is no need for threat,‟ I wrote. „My dear Naomi, you can count on me.‟
„I‟m not threatening. I‟m only stating what will happen if you‟re not careful. I love you,‟ she wrote.

„I love you more than you could imagine,‟ I wrote back.
„Good night, love.‟
„Good night, honey.‟

READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 1 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 2 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 3 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 4 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 5 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 6 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 7 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 8 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 9 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 10 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 11 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 12 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 13 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 14 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 15 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 16 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 17 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 18 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 19 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 20 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 21 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 22 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 23 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 24 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 25 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 26 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 27 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 28 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 29 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 30 (CLICK HERE TO READ)

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