Friday 28 December 2018

Lost In Lust - Episode Fifteen

I noted the way she referred to me as „our –in-law.‟ She obviously was pleased that Naomi had brought a man for future plans.
„Have you told your mother about him?‟ Auntie Mary asked.
Naomi smiled knowingly. „Yes, I have.‟

„There‟s no room for eternal courtship o,‟ Mary said. „I think you should seriously start making plans right away.‟
We nodded. We were there till she made lunch for us. By two thirty, we rose to go.
„I‟ll keep you posted about developments,‟ Naomi told her aunt.
„Sure, you must,‟ she replied.

Ella whispered something into her mother‟s ears. I could see Naomi glancing at me and smiling. We left the place. I was the one behind the steering wheel of the Lexus jeep. The plan was I would pick the Honda car when I returned Naomi to her residence on Sunday.
„Ella said she would like to follow us to your place,‟ Naomi said as soon as I hit the road.
I smiled. „That‟s very good. We can all go together.‟

I drove on the Ikorodu road and several minutes later, we were at the front of my residence. I got down from the car to unlock and open the gate. Then, I drove in.
„It‟s a big place,‟ Ella exclaimed.
„But I only occupied the part at the back‟, I said. „Come, let‟s go.‟
Naomi offloaded two bags from the boot and we went to my apartment.

Naomi showed Ella the second bed-room. „That will be your room,‟ she told her.
We played the ludo game Naomi had brought until it was time for Naomi to prepare dinner. Mother and daughter went to the kitchen while I watched the news channel. While Naomi was still in the kitchen, Ella came to meet me.
„Is it true you‟re going to marry mummy?‟ she asked.

I smiled. „Yes, we‟re planning towards it.‟
She beamed in smiles. „That means you‟re going to be my daddy?‟
I nodded. „Yes, that means I‟m going to be your daddy.‟

In a show of emotion, she came to hug me. I was moved by her action. A couple of hours later, Naomi and I were in my bedroom.
„Don‟t you think we‟ve been missing something?‟ she asked.
I raised my brow. „What‟s that?‟

„You‟ve not been using condoms and I‟m not on pills. What if I get pregnant?‟
„That will be wonderful, won‟t it?‟
She smiled. „You really want me to get pregnant for you?‟
„Well, that will hasten our plans, won‟t it? It will be a welcome thing.‟

On Sunday morning, we all went to church together. On coming back to the house, once again, we took pictures. I took pictures of Ella and Naomi individually and together. I also took pictures with Ella separately and selfies with the three of us together. In the evening, we piled into the car and returned them to Surulere. I kissed Naomi good bye, took the Honda Accord car and returned to my residence.

On Monday morning, some few minutes to ten I received a call from an unknown number.
„Is that Mr. Ola Babajide?‟
„Yes, please.‟
„I‟m Tinu, secretary to the CEO Eaglets Oil and Gas. Can you make it to our office by ten tomorrow morning? You‟re invited for an interview.‟

„Oh, that‟s great. Of course, I‟ll make it to the place. Please, what‟s your address?‟
She told me the place. It was at Lekki. It meant I would have to set out on time from my place if I should meet up the apartment. I called Naomi to inform her of the development.

„Ah, I trust Big Mummy,‟ she said. „The moment I discussed your matter with her and she said no problem, I knew she would be of help.‟
„I must really thank you my dear Naomi for all you've been doing. I won‟t forget all this favor.‟
„Let‟s just hope everything will turn out well.‟

I nodded. „I have no doubt that things will turn out well.‟
On Tuesday morning, I carefully picked the white shirt, the tie and the black two-piece suit I wore. I must really look good and must create good impression.

I called the supervisor to explain that I would be coming late to work and would explain details to him later. I took the BRT bus to CMS. From there, I took a smaller bus to Lekki. By few minutes to ten, I was at the reception of the company. I was immediately asked to go to the first floor where the secretary to the CEO attended to me.

„Please, sit down,‟ she offered.
„You must be Tinu,‟ I said.
She nodded. I sat and waited to be called. I thought I would see some other applicants who had come for the interview, but saw none. I waited for almost thirty minutes before Tinu informed me that the CEO was ready to see me. I was directed to her office.

„Good morning, madam,‟ I curtsied.
A woman in skirt suit probably in her fifties looked up from where she was writing behind her desk to appraise me.
„Good morning,‟ she replied and motioned me to a seat.
„Thank you, madam.‟

I took the seat she had offered me while Tinu retreated from the large office.
„Yes, you are Ola from Naomi?‟ she asked.
„Yes, ma‟am.‟
She nodded. „Naomi is a good lady. Having somebody recommended by her means that person must be good. I believe in her judgment.‟


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I kept quiet. She had my c.v in her hands and she looked at it. „You‟re currently working in a bakery as assistant production supervisor, right?‟
„Yes, madam.‟
„If we want to offer you this job, when are you ready to start?‟

I thought briefly. It was already middle of July. Starting in August would not be bad. Before I could answer, the woman interjected.
„Actually, you need to start soonest. Can you start next week Monday?‟
That would be the last week of July. I nodded. „Yes, I can.‟

You‟re going to be working as Assistant General Manager.‟ She called Tinu on the intercom. „Tell the GM to see me.‟
A man in his forties soon came into the office.
„Yes, madam.‟

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She looked up at the man. „Yes, Mr. Ette, here is Ola. He will be working with you as your assistant. Put him through and assign some tasks to him. He read mechanic engineering and he has been recommended by a very reliable source.‟
„Yes, ma,‟ Mr. Ette said.

„But he will be resuming with us next week Monday. Just explain some things to him today so that he can fully prepare for the task ahead. Alright, Ola, follow him to his office, but before you go, collect your letter of employment from Tinu.‟
„Yes, ma‟am. Thank you very much ma‟am.‟

I stood up and followed Mr. Ette to his office. Everything turned out to be easy, too easy as a matter of fact. Just like that, the woman had offered me employment. I was yet to know how much I would earn, but had no doubt that it would be substantial.

Mr. Ette discussed my tasks with me. It included monitoring the loading and offloading of petroleum and diesel products at the company‟s depot at Lekki, not far from the office building. He said I must be smart and sharp with those loaders as they were prone to sharp practices. I promised to do my best.
After the brief meeting with Ette, I went back to Tinu to get my letter of employment. It was a mouth-watering offer that doubled the current salary I earned.

I left the office a very happy guy. I was grateful to God for His goodness, and was also grateful to Naomi who had been acting like an angel. I called Naomi to tell her the outcome of my encounter at the oil and gas company.
„I‟ll call Big Mummy right away to thank her,‟ Naomi said.
„Yes o. Please, thank her and tell her on my behalf that I‟m very grateful.‟

She giggled across the line.
„Wait, this Big Mummy, what‟s her real name?‟ I asked.
„She‟s Chief Mrs. Rose Udoh.‟
„I see. Can you imagine that throughout my encounter with her, I never got to know her real name?‟
„Well, it happens like that, sometimes.‟
„I must really thank you, Naomi. You‟re an angel to me.‟
„We thank God, my dear.‟


Later, I went to meet my uncle and told him about the new job. He expressed happiness for me but also expressed some reservations.
„Don‟t you think this Naomi lady is moving too fast? Within weeks of knowing her, she got you an accommodation. Now, she‟s getting you another job.‟
„Well, it‟s my luck, uncle,‟ I said.

He nodded. „All the same, be careful Ola. If you have problem there, remember you can always come back to the bakery,‟ he said kindly.
„Thank you, uncle. I‟m sure there‟ll be no problem.‟

I decided to spend that weekend with Naomi. I also calculated that since I would be starting my new work at Lekki on Monday, I should not be late to work at my first day. Her place at Surulere was closer to Lekki and was a vintage place.

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READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 2 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 3 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 4 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 5 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 6 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 7 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 8 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 9 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 10 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 11 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 12 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 13 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 14 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 15 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 16 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 17 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 18 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 19 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 20 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 21 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 22 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 23 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 24 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 25 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 26 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 27 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 28 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 29 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 30 (CLICK HERE TO READ)

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