Sunday 30 December 2018

Lost In Lust - Episode Nineteen

I was embarrassed. Despite all my reservations; despite all my avowed determination not be swayed by Big Mummy, I realized that those several seconds of embrace had made the organ between my groin to start warming up.
I turned to go, but she held me.
„Come on, I know you want it too,‟ she said.
„Don‟t pretend, Ola. You want it as much as I do.‟

I looked confused and avoided her eyes.
She smiled in a teasing way. „And I can see the bulge. The big bulge.‟
I was too embarrassed to make any denial. In any case, there was no need to deny that fact. „You said there‟ll be no sexual relationship,‟ I managed to say.
„Yes, I said so, but I‟m a human being. When a woman is abandoned by the hubby and is always so lonely, she has the right to express her feelings.‟

„Must those feelings be expressed to me? There are other men.‟
She chuckled. „Don‟t be naïve. You‟re my choice, and that‟s that.‟‟
I sighed but said nothing. She moved slowly but determinedly to me, still smiling. Her right hand came to hold my right hand. She squeezed it lovingly, raised it and placed it on her right boob.

Now, all doubts were cleared from my mind. I had the suspicion all along but I had denied it in my mind that the whole thing about massaging would end up like this.
„I‟ll treat you right, Ola. I promise.‟
I was silent. My hand remained where she had placed it. Why don‟t you remove your hand and get the hell out of this place? A part of my mind said.

Another voice scoffed at missing the opportunity. This is what most young men will jump at, the second mind said. You have the opportunity thrown at you on a platter of gold and you‟re behaving like a nincompoop!
She waited for me to make the ultimate decision. Be a man, my mind said. Be a man and damn whatever would be the consequence!

At that moment, I forgot all about the promises I made to Naomi.
My hand responded to the stimuli of her boob. I brought my second hand on the other part and slightly squeezed them. That action brought instant responses from her. It brought about an entanglement that led to a long, deep kiss. I soon found myself and the woman cuddling passionately and playing adult games.

I was amazed by her zeal, energy and prowess. Throughout the night, it was as if the two of us were out to out-do the other. We slept intermittently and made love intermittently. By the early hours of the morning, I felt spent.

The sun had already risen before I rose. Madam Rose lay cuddled under the spreadsheet close to my side, still sleeping. It all looked like a fantasy. Twenty-four hours ago, I would never have thought this would happen. I knew the woman wanted this, but she had been so subtle and artful about it. And I had fallen right into her bait. Well, a man must be a man, and must be ready to face the consequences of his actions.

I went to the toilet to ease myself. By the time I returned, she was awake on the bed.
„Good morning, B.M,‟ I greeted.
She smiled. „Good morning. What does B.M mean?‟
„It‟s the short form of Big Mummy.‟
Her smile became expansive. „You‟re creative.‟
„Thank you.‟

„And in that other thing, you‟re very creative.‟ There was a sly look on her.
„Thank you,‟ I repeated. „I must say you surprised me. Where did you get that stamina?‟
„Don‟t under estimate the power of a woman, Ola.‟
I nodded and rejoined her on the bed. I opened the bedspread and stared at her naked boobs. I was moved again.

„Don‟t underestimate the power of a young man,‟ I said as my mouth went for the boobs.
Several minutes later, I had a bath and dressed up. She too had taken her bath. She had prepared herself for the night, for she brought a new Ankara cloth out of her bag. I still had to go to my residence to change clothes and to be prepared for the visit to Naomi.
„How do I look?‟ B.M asked after she had finished dressing up and had applied the make-up.
„You look gorgeous,‟ I replied.

She was pleased. „Thank you.‟
I grinned at her.
„I told my driver to come and pick me by nine,‟ she said.
I nodded. „I would have to go, now. I ought to be in Naomi‟s place by ten.‟
„I must say I‟m really impressed with you,‟ she said.
I grinned again.


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„And henceforth, when I ask for a massage, you know what I really mean.‟ A mischievous smile was on her face.
She opened her bag and brought out a dole of money. She removed few notes from the lot and handed the rest to me.
„Here, take this and use it for your weekend.‟
My natural reaction would have been to reject the money. But then, I was no longer my natural self. I took the money from her.

„Many thanks, madam, for your generosity.‟
„You‟re welcome.‟
I stuffed the money inside my jean pocket and kissed her goodbye. As I entered my car, I checked the time again. It was a couple of minutes to nine. I drove out of the premises of the guest house and joined the Lekki expressway, heading towards V.I. I didn't enter my residence until almost ten o‟ clock.

I changed my clothes, picked two shirts and a pair of trousers in my bag, took some other items I would need and left the house. I had added the new money given to me by B.M to the previous 100K. But before doing so, I had removed fifty thousand naira from the lot. I had decided I would buy something befitting for Naomi.

There was a boutique along Agric road. I stopped the car and checked out what they had. Their items were good and exotic. I decided to buy a 14-carat Cartier gold wrist watch and Elizabeth Arden perfume for her. I also bought three quality t-shirts of different fanciful colors for Ella. I needed some things too, but mine could wait till another day. I set off again.
I didn‟t get to Naomi‟s place until past eleven.

„I hope it‟s not a lady that delayed your coming,‟ Naomi asked cheekily with a smile.
„Oh, no. I didn‟t wake up on time,‟ I lied.
A feeling of guilt attempted to arise in my mind, but I quickly suppressed it.
„O ya, let‟s go and take breakfast before it completely gets cold,‟ she said.
„You mean, you‟ve not eaten?‟

„No, I‟ve not. I was waiting for you.‟
The feeling attempted to rise again, but I suppressed it.
She led me to the dinning-table. She dished the fried eggs from a food flask. We took bread, fried eggs and tea. After the meal, I gave her what I had bought for her. I also gave Ella the t-shirts. Ella was very glad about them, but Naomi looked cool.
„You shouldn't have bothered yourself buying these for me,‟ she said. „I‟m sure they cost a lot.‟

„You deserve more than these, my dear Naomi. You‟re a priceless jewel.‟
Later in her bedroom, I held her lovingly. „I‟m just going to cuddle you, my darling,‟ I said. „This weekend, all I‟ll do is to cuddle you.‟

She was pleased by my passionate enthusiasm.
„Anything you say, my dear,‟ she replied.
Truly, that was all I did to her. I had felt it would be morally bad to sleep with Naomi, few hours after I had slept with B.M.
I played the role of a very loving man to Naomi throughout the weekend. On Monday morning, as usual, I left the house before she did. At work, I immersed myself dutifully. About ten o‟clock, B.M called me.


„How was your weekend, Ola?‟
„It was fine, ma‟am. How about yours?‟
„Well, not bad, but it could be better.‟
„Thanks for the other day, ma.‟
„It‟s alright. Can we meet at the guest house this evening?‟

My heart raced. So soon? Was it not on Friday, that …? Well, Friday was about three days ago, my mind pointed out.
„There‟s no problem, madam,‟ I replied. „As you wish.‟
„Alright. See you then.‟
I sighed after she had disconnected the line. This woman would be like Oliver Twist, who wanted more. No problem, I would give it to her.

Just before we closed, I returned to my office. Madam called again.
„Tell the man in charge of the place that I said he should give you the key of my room. You don‟t need to wait at the lobby,‟ she said.
„Okay, ma.‟

READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 1 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 2 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 3 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 4 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 5 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 6 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 7 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 8 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 9 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 10 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 11 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 12 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 13 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 14 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 15 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 16 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 17 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 18 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 19 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 20 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 21 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 22 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 23 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 24 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 25 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 26 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 27 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 28 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 29 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 30 (CLICK HERE TO READ)

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