Sunday 30 December 2018

Lost In Lust - Episode Seventeen

I nodded. „Thank you, ma.‟
„So, please feel relaxed with me, I mean no harm.‟
„Thank you, madam. Thank you for your kind consideration.‟
„I came back from Abuja about half an hour ago.‟
„How was the trip, madam?‟
„Hectic but successful. I‟m kind of stressed up.‟
„Sorry about that.‟

„Thank you. Is your mother living here in Lagos?‟
The question came as a surprise. „No, ma‟am. She‟s dead. But my father is alive in Ondo state.‟
„Sorry about that.‟
„Thank you, ma‟am.‟
„Tell me about yourself.‟
Before I could say anything, there was a knock at the door.
„Come in,‟ she said loudly.

The door was opened and a young lady brought a tray containing plates of fried chicken inside.
She directed her to put the tray on the center table.
„Thank you,‟ madam told the lady.
„Yes, ma.‟ The lady took her leave.
„Here‟s is chicken for us,‟ she said, and took a big lap. „Help yourself.‟
I certainly felt awkward. I was yet to be familiar with this woman and was a bit ill at ease on this her warm disposition.

„Yes, I asked you to tell me about yourself,‟ she said, smiling.
I cleared my throat. Where would I begin? I started with my secondary school days, back in my state. After that, I went to the Obafemi Awolowo University to study Mechanical Engineering. After my NYSC, I came to Lagos and started working at my uncle‟s bakery. That was my last place of employment before I got my current job.

She looked at me as if she was fascinated. „That‟s interesting.‟
„Thank you, ma‟am.‟
„Now, you‟ve not touched the chicken, or you don‟t like it?‟

I smiled. It was like asking a professional footballer if he hated an open field.
„I like it,‟ I said.
„Well, go ahead and help yourself. Now, I have to tell you about myself too.‟
I took a chunk of the meat and a big bite.


She told me how she came from a struggling home and how her parents struggled to pay her tuition fees while in school. Her husband too was an engineer, a petroleum engineer who got employment at a multi-national oil company. Through connections, they had been able to set up Eaglets oil marketing company, and they had three children – all grown up. Unfortunately, they lost the only son, leaving two daughters.

All would have been well between her and her husband, but for the fact that the man could sleep with anything in skirt.
I listened raptly to her story.
„Your story is very interesting and touching,‟ I commented.
She sighed. „Well, such is life.‟ She poured more drinks for herself and took another chicken lap.
„This last Abuja trip has stressed me a bit,‟ she said. „I don‟t know if I can ask you for a favor.‟
A favor from me? That was amazing. What favor would a woman in the caliber of Big Mummy want from me?

„What favor, ma?‟
„I‟m stressed up and I need a real massage. Can you do that?‟
„I don‟t know if I‟ll be good in that, ma‟am. Perhaps, I can try.‟
„Eno, the lady that does it for me, has traveled. I just need it to ease off.‟
„I‟ll try my best, madam,‟ I said.
She took more sips. „Hey, you‟re hardly drinking.‟
I smiled and drank more.
„Alright.‟ She stood up. „Let me change from this office wear.‟
„Okay, madam.‟

She first went to the door of the sitting-room where she locked the door before going to an inner room. I tried to relax and to assure myself that Big Mummy was just trying to be friendly. I also tried to assert that if indeed all she wanted was a massage, there was no harm in giving her one. I would not be cheating on Naomi as long as sex was not involved.
After about five minutes, Big Mummy called from a room: „I‟m ready. You can come in now.‟

I sighed, stood up and went to the door. My hand hovered on the handle and I took some seconds to assure myself before opening it and going inside. It was a nice looking bed-room with a large bed. Madam Rose was lying on her belly on the bed, clad only in a tight, black short and a black bra. She still looked beautiful, and there was no doubt that she must be very beautiful when she was younger.
She was not on the slim side.

As a matter of fact, that was an understatement. She was on the fat side. Her face was chubby while her body was rotund. There were slabs of fat on her waist, thighs and arms. The bra she was wearing appeared to be a bit tight. It was probably a push-up type that was a little bit small for the size of her bosom. In all, the view of her body showed that she needed to shed some weight.
She smiled at me.


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I smiled back and moved to her side, trying not to feel clumsy.
„The gel you‟ll use is on the stool,‟ she said, pointing at the bedside stool. I nodded and opened the plastic bottle. I then rubbed some of the content on my palms and in return moved my palms over her back.
„Uhm, that feels good,‟ she muttered and closed her eyes.

I remembered one of the documentaries on stress therapy I had watched and how the masseurs had displayed their skill. I tried to imitate how they had done it, moving my fingers stylishly but purposefully. Slowly, determinedly, my hands moved up and down her black. She closed her eyes but I could sense that she had feelings of contentment.

I did that for several minutes.
„Alright.‟ She turned to lie on her back. „I need that too on my thighs and legs.‟
I applied more lotion on my palms and massaged her thighs, down to her legs.
„Where did you learn this?‟ she asked.

I tried to smile. „I watched a documentary on it, ma,‟ I replied.
„My God, you‟re very good.‟
I grinned. „Thank you, ma.‟
After another several minutes, she sighed. „I feel much better now. Wow, you‟ve done wonders on my body.‟

„Thank you, ma.‟ I put the cap of the tube back and straightened up.
„You can wash your hands in the bathroom over there.‟ She pointed to the room. I went there and used a sachet of detergent I found there to wash my hands.

READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 1 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 2 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 3 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 4 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 5 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 6 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 7 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 8 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 9 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 10 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 11 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 12 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 13 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 14 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 15 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 16 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 17 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 18 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 19 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 20 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 21 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 22 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 23 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 24 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 25 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 26 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 27 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 28 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 29 (CLICK HERE TO READ)
READ >>>> Lost In Lust - Episode 30 (CLICK HERE TO READ)

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